How To Use ClassDojo In Core French

If you’ve been reading my blog for a little bit, you know that I raved about how much ClassDojo did for my classroom last year. It made such an amazing difference in my classroom that my entire view on rewarding and encouaging a classroom changed, and I’ve found it a struggle to switch back to life B.CD. (Before ClassDojo). So I’ve decided why mess with something that works?

And so, on Monday, my Grade 4 and Grade 5/6 students will be introduced to our new tracking method for Dojo.

I’m also going to be using it to track discussion. Every time we have a discussion, I’ll open a ‘Behaviour’ with the day and the discussion title so that I can more quickly track the discussions – and it will be immediate feedback that they can relish in. Maybe it will even encourage them to continue speaking in French. Either way, it will be an incredible way to track the progress of our classroom, and it will be much easier for me to take anecdotal notes, because I can do it right from my iPad. This way, I can also give feedback to parents immediately, and they’ll be able to see how our French classes are going.

I’m also going to try it with my Intermediate students, but I’m keeping a more open mind for it – it will be my first time using Dojo with intermediate students, so I’ll let you know how it goes.

I can’t wait to have my iPad back in my hands when I teach.

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